Nippert Stadium Parking

Enter the address below in your cars Sat Nav GPS to make your journey easier:

2700 Bearcat Way, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221

Note that roads near Nippert Stadium are often busier than normal during times of popular events. Please plan accordingly.

Cash parking is on a space available and first come, first served basis. Parking is at $20 per car on game day and $15 in advance online by visiting the official UC website.

Otherwise, cash parking is available at Eden, Stratford and Woodside Garages. Parking in Calhoun, Campus Green, CCM, Corry, University and Varsity Village Garages is by pass only.

Passholders in Calhoun and Corry’s Garages accessing campus from the south are required to enter the structure from the Calhoun Street side. Otherwise, patrons entering from the north off of Jefferson Avenue can reach their garages from Corry Street.

For more information on season parking availability, call 1-877-328-849.

Accessible parking

Accessible parking for patrons with mobility issues is available in the Stratford Heights Garage. A state-issued handicap pass or license plate is required. For more information, please call (513) 556-2283.

Single-Game Parking

Single-game parking passes will be available for purchase in Campus Green Garage. Kindly visit the official UC website to purchase.

Alternative Parking :U SQUARE GARAGES

Located on Calhoun Street, the U Square garage is open on game day on a first-come-first-serve basis. Entry price is at $10 per car.

Please be informed that in all garages, grilling is prohibited.

Tailgating and Rooftop Tailgating

Kindly contact UC for more information and registration.